Saturday, January 12, 2013

In this outfit? Are kidding?

So the downside of losing 92 pounds is......just kidding, there is no downside! But one of the challenges is that you no longer have your slouchy outfits. Your "I've got the flu and am not leaving the house" outfits. The ones you wear when you are too lazy to put in your contacts.  You know the ones: sweats you wore during pregnancy that still fit despite that fact that your youngest is 15; your college sweatshirt which now reads "Mo  t  oly ke;" your once sassy jeans which rest just an inch or two below your bra band.  My entire wardrobe used to consist of those outfits, plus a pair of black pants, several "nice tops,"  and a cocktail dress for weddings that, by the end, required the rental of heavy equipment, ropes and pulleys to get in to. And Spanx. Don't forget the Spanx. 

So then, when you lose 90+ pounds, you don't have those outfits. You can only take stuff in so much before the side seams are inches from the zipper and you look like one giant pocket from the back. And no, I don't have any clothes from 15 years ago that were "classic" enough to resurect.  So you have new clothes. From this decade only. We have a pal who recently lost 30 pounds and has been modeling her her clothes from the 80s and 90s on FaceBook with an enthusiastic, "Look what I can fit in to!" caption. These outfits look like they came from Melanie Griffith's  wardrobe in Working Girl and only need the Really Big Hair to complete the look. We have emplored her to buy some thing from this century to wear in her new/old size. Remember the adage, Just because you can, doesn't mean you should? This applies to clothes from the disco era. 

And therefore, I don't want to do any of the chores usually associated with those outfits. Ergo, my house is a mess. But I look really, really cute.  On Sundays, I usually workout in the morning, then come home and shower and put on whatever I'm going to wear to church that evening. A few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon, I said to my husband that  I was antsy and he suggested that I read. To which I replied, Are you crazy? In this outfit? I don't know, I just don't feel like cleaning the bathrooms once I've put on my latest find from Marshall's. I feel like going out to lunch. This is getting to be a problem. Things are not getting done. 

Take today, for example. I did a 4-mile walk run outside, came home and showered and put on a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, a striped cardigan and cowbow boots. Adorable! So I should spend the afternoon in the basement finally organizing the Christmas decorations? Nope. Don't wanna. Ditto with changing the sheets, sorting the laundry or any of the other mind-numbing tasks that occupy much of my time. Now cooking, I will do in a cute outfit. So my family will not starve. Especially since I discovered ...wait for it....cute aprons! And, because of the cooking shows:  Giada is never whipping up homemade ravioli in her husband's fraternity t-shirt. 
Eventually, all my new clothes will become my old clothes and I'll have something to put on a "no make up Saturday." I'll have splashed enough grease on my white T to make it Scrubbing Bubbles ready. But until that time.......anyone up for lunch?! 

1 comment:

  1. So true, Maria. How you feel about yourself really does reflect in what you wear. Or is it what you wear really does affect how you feel about yourself and what you feel like doing?
